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Mythic Ranks

Theses ranks are to be built by your self and not in a group, you may have a friend help you build these if they are already building there ranks as well, but only you will receive the rewards for the rank upon completion.  If your buildings are too simplistic then you will be asked to rebuild them by the Staff.

A build that we will not accept is a 5x5 cube of just cobble, dirt or planks etc with no detail or furniture, this goes for any size cube and any block that you only use the one off to make your builds, we want to see deferent styles and details in your builds and a mixture of blocks being used, make them stand out so you can show other users your build's and they can use them for a template to help them get started.

All rank builds must be furnished and detail used, no cube houses without roofs, we want to see detail in all ranks, if you builds are not to rank requirements or detail (meaning you rushed them to be ranked) then you will be asked to modify to make them look more to theme and more detail,,,

For each individual rank there are in game rewards (Contact Staff for this reward to be given) upon each completion, once all rank builds are completed for the Mythic theme builds you will receive 6 months VIP rank in game.

(Give one of our other themed build ranks a go to extend your VIP Rank)


For this world you need to build the following ranks in medieval theme ( Lord of the Rings, Skyrim, King Arthur ) let your imaginations run wild with your builds and also pay attention to detail it helps you to rank up.

Starting at Dwarf Rank and working your way to Wizard Rank, you will endure many obstacles on your journey, you will also receive great rewards on the way, so let the adventure begin.



[Dwarf Rank]

You need to build the following to gain Goblin Rank.

What to build:

  • At least 10 house (7x7, 7x9) Must be furnished and have roofs, no square cubes.
  • Streets to link all the house's to a village center with street lights.
  • A small tavern must be at least (10x10) or bigger.
  • A small shop must be at least (5x7) or bigger.
  • A small church must be at least (10x10) or bigger.
  • A small food crop at least 30 blocks of produce.
  • A small animal farm. ( no more than 20 animals )
  • A water well in the village.

Your Reward: 2x diamond blocks - 10 XP Bottles (Contact Staff for this reward to be given)



For this rank you will need to build a Goblin fortress (use your imagination)

What to build:

  • A fortress. ( a medium sized themed castle)
  • The fortress must have a dungeon with cells and torture room.
  • At least 6 hut's on the inside of the fortress grounds for goblins to live in.
  • A throne for the goblin king.
  • A blacksmith shop so the goblins can fix there weapons.
  • A moat around the fortress with a drawbridge.
  • Add 6 more houses to your dwarf town, link your dwarf town to the fortress via a road.

Your Reward: 4x diamond blocks - 20 XP Bottles (Contact Staff for this reward to be given)


[Sorcerer Rank]

In this rank you must build a medieval school, can be old castle or cathedral turned into a school.

You Should build this rank at least 50 blocks away from your previous Ranks

What to build:

  • Another castle/cathedral to make into a school, the school must consist of the following:
  • A library must be furnished.
  • At least 16 classrooms must be furnished.
  • A food hall with table and chairs.
  • A green house with flowers and plants.
  • A built in church/meeting hall.
  • A play field within the school grounds.

Let you imaginations run wild on this build as long as its themed,

Google for ideas or if you have seen Harry Potter, which 99% of people have.

Your Reward: 8x diamond blocks - 30 XP Bottles (Contact Staff for this reward to be given)


[Wizard Rank]

 In this rank you must build a Wizards city in the mythological period  it must contain the following.

You may build this rank away from your other ranks, or you could build it within 50 blocks with roads linking to your other builds, your choice.

 What to build:

  • A wizards tower.
  • A minimum of 20 houses.
  • A market containing 10 shops stands.
  • A monument/statue to make you city stand out.
  • A city wall with lookout towers.
  • A main entrance to your city.
  • A park with a lake and bridge over the lake.

Your Reward: 12x diamond blocks - 40 XP Bottles (Contact Staff for this reward to be given)


[Grand Wizard Rank]

In this rank you must extend your Wizard city, you must add  the following.


What to build:

  • Add 10 more house to your city, must be 2-3 stories high.
  • Add a Wizardly State Library 15x30 and 2 stories or more high, and must be filled with bookshelves and study area.
  • A Spooky Giant tree with a house built in to it on the outside of your city walls where a wicked witch will reside to conjure her spells and potions, the tree must be at least 3x3 minimum for the trunk and 30 blocks tall with 3 or more branches with leaves, and cobwebs to make it look spooky, It must be able to be seen from the wizard tower as well.
  • A maze with in the city at least 30x30 blocks.
  • A clock tower in the middle of your maze.
  • A Jousting arena with stables.
  • Another blacksmith's shop with a house attached, medium in size  around 10x20.

Your Reward: 30x diamond blocks - 80 XP Bottles - $50,000mw in-game currency - 20 nether ingots. (Contact Staff for this reward to be given as well as 6 months VIP)

Congratulations you have now mastered your wizardry well done!!